Its poisonous, and we have to stop letting people who would use race as a cudgel like this keep getting away with it. And the corporate media including Big Tech are not just complicit, theyve been captured completely. 4. Isnt that interesting? Thanks for speaking up, Jake. On the other hand EVERYTHING makes perfect sense to us conspiracy theorists because many of us have been studying the Master Plan for 30, even 40 years. I am wondering if there is a way to get this information and observations out to a larger public forum? Making them susceptible to the rants off the conservative right. Most every person shown now has black or brown skin. What turned me to GOP? Bottom line, I consider my self slightly left of center politically, but having experienced discrimination I am sensitive to it and find it unacceptable in all its forms (yes, including against straight white males). Even Beyond just the ads, if black people make up 12% of the country why are there so many channels on Cable I counted 18 of them but had the word black when it came to the HBO and the Starz and Showtime movie Networks could you imagine if there was something anywhere on TV that was called White Entertainment or white HBO? Its shallow and degrading. Etc. Listen I know she is one of the best players ever, and I know this might be her last professional appearance. Any time you want to get together and teach Mr Fuckerburg a lesson in humility just say the word. You make some good points, Don. The advertising industrys complete disregard for accuracy, fairness, or authenticity is truly breathtaking. It is what is behind the reparations for slavery demandswhen the truth is, since slavery was abolished in 1865, no black today has ever been a slave, their parents were never slaves, their grandparents were never slaves, and their great great grandparents were never slaves. Survey The Diverse Audience Youre Trying To Reach. Sorry, but the black guy in the star wars wasn't such a good actor. I remember the globalist-bent ads for Benneton and when Levis and Coca-Cola began pandering directly to blacks. It is amazing to me in this day & age, public high-tech companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc. Rob, you have started a firestorm with this subject. Yes and the bumbling, idiotic White male is overplayed too. You wouldnt think it so difficult to properly represent diverse populations on screen, but for some reason, the people behind todays ads are tying themselves into knots over it and still failing spectacularly. I truthfully never paid much attention to skin color and such, but now I am seriously starting to resent the fact that it appears 90% of the people in commercials are black. Often he complains about how shows are too woke. Also, another very subtle message was an ad that had Grandma and Grandpa sitting in the backyard with their grandson and granddaughter running towards them. My question is how do so many different advertisers all develop the exact same racist propaganda? Making a conscious effort to include diversity does not need to be an act of tokenism; rather, it can demonstrate a commitment to equality and fairness within your brand. Thats a great point, WonderWoman. He didnt portray Anglo-Saxon heroes very often. Their lie is exposed when those with higher Motivational Values are not all white! Seeing the new Top Gun was so sad. etc.not racism, but facts that prove their babble crap are myths Id love it if the black people I saw in TV adverts were representative of the blacks I see every day in real life; Id love it just as much if all races were portrayed fairly and equitably by the people who create todays TV commercials the ones who claim they champion equity but who in truth are using diversity as an excuse to marginalize white people. Sadly I feel like the shooting in Buffalo is just the beginning. Have people from those groups get involved in developing and reviewing the content you plan to use. But jeez, its getting worse and worse. Pretty dumb, I guess. In a recent film about Mary, Queen of Scots, an Asian actress played the part of Bess of Hardwick, 2nd wealthiest person in England after Elizabeth I. Think about the inherent diversity of your end consumers and work backward. Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. Individuals with negative motivational values are in fact dangerous regardless of their skin color! Dont be obtuse. Im a lush so this will be perfect! Though we havent seen much of this in the casting of the shows we watch, mostly because they are older shows, we do see this massively disproportionate diversity in commercials. Its amazing how overnight white people became complete buffoons and black people became highly intelligent with all the answers to everything in life. Yes, I too believe this is an agenda for some, and not just in advertising, either. There is so much going on that really is inter-related. If so, then by golly, you should care. Exactly!! I know damned well that writing posts like this draws the ire of many of my fellow creatives and probably puts me out of the running with some potential new clients, but you know what they say: If youre not part of the solution, youre part of the problem. Copyright 2023 Association of National Advertisers-established in 1910. A bleakness akin to socialism. 2. . I see them small as ignorant tools. Excellent points. Be sure to click the Back button on your browser to return.]. Ask your sales folks for input. It's time for action. I remember a commercial for some years back showing a husband so stupid, he couldnt even go to the grocery store without constantly calling his wife, even when the cashier asked paper or plastic. I dont remember the advertiser, only that that commercial totally pissed me off everytime I saw it. If youre catering ads towards the people that are actually buying the product it would make sense to include those people when considering creating the ads and especially casting. In many ways, the need for diversity in advertising is a numbers game. In some cases these cookies improve the speed with which we can process your request, allow us to remember site preferences youve selected. (no picture! I think many of us would agree that it does none of us any good for advertisers to continue to push such silly and unrealistic representations of people of different races. They are grooming young minds. As you can see from your anecdote, portrayals in commercials, let alone fictional comedy, are damaging as they affect and reinforce peoples formulation of stereotypes. Teaching that erotic lust and egoism is the highest achievement of mankind. For example, hire a woman to communicate about womens issues. Make Diversity An Objective, Not An Afterthought, Diversity must be a focus in the beginning stages of the campaign concept. Yeah, the same idea applies here. 20% are agnostic, but celebrate Christmas. (Law & Order: SVU particularly.). 8. Strong, smart and other traits are totally INDIVIDUAL traits. It requires focus and a deep, longstanding commitment. Ad industry publications such as Ad Age and Adweek and Digiday cheerlead for it. Its fine to be neutral. All of this is was clearly agenda driven coverage. I dont need to be told how smart and strong women are, and how dumb men are. And. Its so absurd and annoying. I have boycotted every company pushing the propaganda. The female chromosome is XX, the male is XY. The reason more white people dont speak up about issues like these is because they fear they will be labeled a racist!! They are Boomer V2.0.only twice as insufferable since they lack the experience and context behind the 1960s cultural revolution and overthrow accomplished by their creators. I feel advertising should be proportionate with the population. Its not just tv ads, this forced culture perspective is everywhere and is very much being driven by the so-called coastal elite i.e. It would seem that racism is alive and well, and Im not just talking among white people. The irony is most young suburbanites who care about the issue choose streaming services to avoid or skip the ads anyway. Theyre all disgusting and insult my intelligence. Are advertising people those unassailable paragons of virtue we all know them to be attempting to assuage their guilty consciences for all the systemic racism they see in every nook, cranny, and crevice of America by meeting some kind of quota? Ditto with James Bond. LGBQT. Yet, today its getting to the point where the average family in a TV commercial will soon consist of a black man, a white woman, and their two Chinese kids. movie industry, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Madison Ave, etcIs it any wonder theres a whole lot of white folks who are incredibly angry and feel threatened that their way of life is quickly disappearing? Cameron Conaway, Solace, 6. Blacks are mayors of major cities, police chiefs, generals in the army, admirals in the navy, and generals in the air force. And I 100% agree with what you said about the relationship between art, truth, and propaganda. Boycott the ads and dont buy the products. The Cranky Creative. Identity politics have infiltrated everything: sports, movies, music, video games the entire culture is lousy with it. Hardly. I am sad that white people are not represented in TV commercials. I believe your observations are all valid, and appreciate your courage in posting. Sorry, Carl, but theres only so much I can pack into one Cranky blog post. To that end, Tubi is actually a pretty great (and free!) Who built this country? Its safe, but it will take you away from this site to show you the video on YouTube. It would be like running ads that showed aging college professors using your outdoor gear because theyre under represented and, you know, there are analytics that show they are 1.3% of the buying group. Advertisers are trying to focus more on diversity DEI roles increased 113% across industries from 2015 to 2020, but many DEI roles in advertising are functions of human resources. it is always so. . #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride, Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 22, 2022. Ive read that White male commercial actors are being dropped by Agents or not being able to secure representation because the employment opportunities for them are dwindling to almost nothing. What Works For Diversity And What Doesn't? They see friends and relatives dropping dead from the Jonestown jab and wonder why. Its called brainwashing. Its great to hear from someone with marketing knowledge who isnt drunk on the Kool-Aid. I was brought up to love everyone, but enough of these commercials. Some brands are particularly popular with people of different races. I think another reason companies are doing this, is because they are trying to change the Black culture. This cheap advertising is called Video Ad Creative. I came across this post as a result of a duckduckgo search specifically asking about the subject because for this reason and many others, I no longer use Google services unless absolutely necessary. Agreed on all points! March 31: Big thanks to Jim Thompson at RedState for linking to my blog post in his article, Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, in which he discusses a survey showing just how detached from reality Americans perceptions are about the size of different populations by income, race, religion, gender identity, and more. It MIGHT be saying, instead, that there is no way any one is taking a chance to piss off a black Karen who thinks the buffoon or clueless black person is a form of a micro-aggression, or subtle racism, or some baloney like that! Tribalism isnt going anywhere ever. I am a somewhat older fellow, and looking back, single events and changes never seemed sinister. Spot on Dave as a former MarComm professional I feel as you do. Not without being called a racist, a misogynist, a bigot, or a homophobe. BARF! Black men in commercials are all very handsome, tall, athletic, and competent. It is focused on small, low-budget, often local and owner-made videos.promoting small businesses. We arent being displaced both figuratively and literally by Canadians. Fake green and inclusion narratives? So much for fairness and tolerance, yes? Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, he founded Jeremys Razors as an alternative to Harrys,, a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. Walt Disney did not have a problem depicting masculine heroes. Every night when I reached my hotel, I would turn on the boob tube as background noise while I unpacked. Stop what you are doing right now and read/watch this article from Dallas. So in short, replace the current population and weaken the next generation with confusion so there is nobody to fight back. Thanks for your comment! When whites came to America the Indians had slaves, they killed other tribes and made slaves of the women and the young. We all are being subjected to a new society. . I dont believe they are diverse just playing the role. And no wonder. Not one person alive in this country today has ever been a slave, or has ever owned a slave. All it is is black people getting into positions of power and choosing their own just like the racist people do (yes, there are racists in every community). It used to be, marketers could say they targeted women because women hold the purse strings. But, as with most things, acceptance is growing as the real world begins to catch up. Again money and power for the rich was behind it money and power was behind slavery and it still is hopefully we will all get past the hate and discontent but, it wont happen by trying to force it. Race as a tie breaker. I suspect the marketing person has they gender, birthing person, 28 years old, white, in a cube on Madison Avenue, nose ring and purple hair. First, the more brands jump on this bandwagon, the more they transmit a subconscious message of insincerity which leads to eroding trust. 5. You dont have to be a Rhodes scholar to see the intention behind all of this. If WOKE commercials have transformed America and raised all races and creeds up to be economically and culturally equal, I am THRILLED. While I agree with the blogger on many of his points (especially the way ads portray whites as dumb and in need of people of color to survive in America), I read an article that stated Hollywood and Networks (most notably, CBS) are required to hire 50% of the minority applicants in order to push their social agenda. I hope you dont mind (especially as you remain anonymous), but I shared your comment on both LinkedIn and Twitter and posed the question, At what point does the push for diversity and inclusion become *exclusionary* and itself as pernicious as the problem it was meant to solve?. It really doesnt matter to me what race a person is in a commercial. I totally agree with everything youve written here . Black people are generally not known to be into camping in freezing weather, or things such as bungee jumping & cliff climbing. But boy, Ive learned since then!! some stick and become part of the public consciousness. Indeed. Good on you for telling advertisers what you think, Greg. Diversity is great and was much needed in the entertainment industry. Mandy Glidewell, CentricsIT, 9. While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. I am a middle aged white woman. Ive known people who lamented on how much time and money they had spent (especially the early morning drives to practice) to support their kid who wanted to play hockey. If we want to avoid falling with them, we need to remain the voices of reason and sanity in society. I too am a die hard liberal when it comes to social issues but bristle at the not so subtle attempts to disenfranchise the white race and even the male gender. They have been totally emboldened and safe feeling, they dont need to wear a mask. . And youre right. I do hear them complaining that TV commercials seem to be promoting an agenda rather than reflecting real life. Thought it was just me till I saw these posts, I noticed it also after the divider Obama was in charge, think he still is, I dont buy any of the crap they advertise. Create A Focus Group To Help You Develop Content, Want to represent a variety of groups? Look at the movies now. (Witness attempts to reboot the film Annie, The Wonder Years TV show, and Marvel and Disneys efforts to replace white characters with characters of color, and even change their genders and sexual orientations.). Tired of it! And I dare say that all but one or two comments have been from people who agree with the premise of the post boiled down simply, that blacks are conspicuously overrepresented in U.S. television commercials at the expense of other racial groups, and that todays advertisers are duplicitous asshats whose anti-white and anti-white male agendas are driven by propaganda either their own programming, or a desire to program others. Industry Perspectives on the Transition to a Multi-currency TV Market, Trends in Agency Compensation, 18th Edition, A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2022), There is a tremendous value in being part of the ANAs strong network of brands The Ask service validated the research that my team had already done [and] saved us time. I often find myself questioning if the black people watching these commercials would really use this product or service. Ryan Vet, boon, Inc. A content diversity audit can allow your team to review previous content, gather insights and strategize future action, rather than reacting on a whim. Now are the monoliths totally responsible for all of this? 1. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in 1865, and the U.S. fought a bloody war, nearly destroying itself in the process, to end the practice.