Dmitry nails it. I think if they wrote about us, they would present these facts emotionally. [12] [6] [4] In the summer of 2015, Orlov's heirs sold their shares in the bank to Promsvyazbank, owned by the Ananyev brothers. The Muscovite Russians even instinctively admit that this heritage is not really theirs, so that they name their currency ruble from rubaty to chop off parts of the hrivna silver or gold coins,and the Muscovite Russians adopt the two-headed eagle symbol of old imperial Byzantium, not the trident, as old Byzantium was actually a rival of Kyivan Rus and fought some wars with the Kyivan realm.The first khokhol by hairstyle documented in history was none other that Great King Sviatoslav Ihorevych the Conqueror, notably campaigning against Greek Byzantium.Unfortunately, starting with Great King Ivan so-called Terrible,he forever broke away from the heritage of Kyivan Rus primarily by what he did to the city-state-republic of Nogvorod, one of the oldest bastions of Kyivan Rus and how he and his son exterminated the original population of that city (that would stand as one of his greatest crimes), not to mention his weird devil-worshipping cult of oprichhina. They seem off-hand or casual but actually this is just part of of his concision. However, there is no other document except for the Minsk agreements. For the EU, bad times ahead. Seraphim Rose Discusses the Jewish Question - Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Englishman Drives Off Satanists and Rescues a 1000-Year-Old Church, When Knights Surrender Their Sword The Problem of Effeminate Men, Married at Age 16, Has 11 Children, Loves Her Husband, Lives in Russia, VIDEO: A Legendary American Monk Who Inspired Christians in Russia - Fr. The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts, The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA,,,,,,,,,,,, Terminology (last update January 25th 2021), Moderation Policy (UPDATED December 13th, 2021), The Essential Saker III free PDF download, Making sense of NATO strikes against Russia. Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov - The Vineyard of the Saker Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov 11093 Views December 02, 2014 25 Comments I want to draw your attention to a recent interview of Dmitry Orlov by by Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity . Now the fight is between Poroshenko and a comedian named Vladimir Zelensky. Despite Dmitrys intimate knowledge of the vast negatives of US culture and day-to-day life in this country, perhaps it is the awareness of culture shock awaiting him if he moved back to Russia that keeps him here. They dont. One of the most informative, well written, and frankly enjoyable to read, pieces I have read for ages. Ill listen again. The influx of returning economic migrants combined with the lack of financial support are likely to spell the demise of certain national elites which have been feasting on Western largesse in return for a bit of Russophobia. The Essential Saker IVThe Essential Saker IV free PDF download, The Essential Saker IIIThe Essential Saker III free PDF download, Click on the icon for an explanation of feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. News: 12 hours ago Orlov scored a power-play goal and added two even-strength assists in Thursday's 7-1 win over the Sabres.. battle hymns there followed heartfelt songs about dumplings the size Maybe, but actually I would say most regions of the USA have some kind of old tradition and a lot nicer ones than that of the old racist South. Orlov does understand the US, just like I do, as I have lived in the US. Russia needs Russian population growth and there is no way it will refuse any Ukrainian or Slavic region that wants to hop on board. They all needed to at least go through the boot camp. Comprehensive representation of the current givens. In June, I am moving to Ukraine to check out the place and to possibly get a new wife. The thing is that there are so many constant annoyances with living in the USA that one would be glad never to have to deal with again!! What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. Just as an add, my fathers brothers bones were never found after the war (II). Look how recklessly the MIC is acting. provide. the soul. A recording of the public lecture by Dmitry Orlov on 9 June 2009, at the Davenport Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. He was drafted 55th overall by the Washington Capitals in the 2nd round of the 2009 entry draft. of collapse is Russia, having lost an estimated ten million people to 5G technology, glyphosate, genetic engineering, radioactive contamination, global chemtrail spraying, and pervasive electromagnetic fields are designed to take down humanity and the global biosphere. Text of the Dmitry Orlov tags: optimism 8 likes Like "One of the rudest questions you might hear from an American is "What do you do for a living?" The only proper response is "Excuse me?" followed by a self-satisfied smirk and a stony silence. Such is the life of a military men. If something like what I lay out is not soon done, then humanity and much of the rest of the biosphere on this planet are toast. Hopefully, Putin will be able to find a worthy successor by this time and will be able to convince them that a war will be a suicide to USA/West. Then make a longer trip to see whether you have the psychological stamina to deal with culture shockwhich steps in not when you first arrive in a foreign place (that is vacation) but later, when you have lost your sense of Wow, this is so cool and start having to live the actual reality. The east of the country is gripped in a drought of unprecedented depth and extent, and in many places, duration. Perhaps the future holds some spark of brightness for the people. dmitry orlov interview . One cross is, perforce, for Jesus Thus, there is an objective reason to prefer Zelensky over Poroshenko, which is that Poroshenko is a major thief while Zelensky isnt one yet, but it must be understood that this difference will begin to equalize the moment after Zelenskys inauguration. I have to say that I fully agree with every word Dmitry Orlov says. In short, these arent the sort of people that any self-respecting country would want to have anything to do with, never mind absorb them into its population en masse, because the effect would be to demoralize its entire population. Thanks for that interview on 5G radiationwith a bona fide top expert Dr. Trowerwe are seeing already I think Ukraine is a society that cannot mobilize itself to address its problems. In situations when nothing can be made to work and all has come Nothing wrong with that. likely to hear is something more along the lines of Holy shit, we Dmitry Orlov. Make sure to take out as many of the things as you can as they run off. Listen to audio about Dmitry Orlov. Just as the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), it had reached its peak of economic and social development just as the USSR was about to collapse, and it has been degenerating and losing population ever since. Listen to audio about Dobie Gillis. But while it was insanity that made them do it. Meanwhile, the two eastern regions, which are highly developed economically and have a lot of industry, have been integrating ever more closely into the Russian economy. investigative report by J. Haek, Bellingcat. By Conor Ryan,Updated February 27, 2023, 3:31 p.m. Derek Forbort, left, and Connor Clifton, right,. This ground represents a controlling wedge in the Earth Island one the West is about to lose. Lack of textbooks in Ukrainian and lack of teachers qualified to teach in Ukrainian caused the quality of public education to plummet, giving rise to several generations of Ukrainians who dont really know Ukrainian, have had little formal instruction in Russian, and speak a sort of informal half-language. One nation that has a recent and profound of experience Having had successful careers as an electronics engineer and then as a software engineer, I am something of a walking, talking museum of automation technology, and can take you on a brief tour of its development. There are different accounts on Khrushchevs origins, but accordingly to most biographers Khrushchev was ethnic Russian. , , -. Until populations understand these techniques enough to see through them, we will all have a hard row to hoe. It causes people to lose heart and leave. These old European nations are all aging out, not just in terms of demographics but in terms of the maximum age allotted by nature to any given ethnos. The amount of people who climb out of Porsches, BMWs, Range Rovers, and who walk straight past, and wont even look sideways staggers me. Sam: Have your views become somewhat darker since you published The Five Stages of Collapse a few years ago? [1] Orlov believes collapse will be the result of huge military budgets, government deficits, an unresponsive political system and declining oil production. Sigh. For example, people who have never spoken a word of Ukrainian are now forced to use it in order to shop or to obtain government services.The artificial, synthetic Ukrainian identity is too thin to give the country a sense of self or a sense of direction. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. Tardigrades, lichens and cyanobacteria may survive, but more complex life forms will perish in droves, in a short period of time as the plant becomes uninhabitable for higher life forms, like horses, whales, turtles, orange trees, ferns, lilacs, ducks and parrots. But Dmitry was an eyewitness to the Soviet collapse over several extended visits to his Russian homeland between the eighties and mid-nineties. I met one guy who was a bit more enterprising. is no more. Americans, despite the obvious propaganda nature of the media still are true-believers in the official Narrative because meaning and myth always trumps reality. I spent some months in a local boarding house where it costs around A$200/week to rent a room with shared bathrooms and kitchen. Interview with Kevin Lynn of the Center for Populist Urban Politics, Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century, Brave Soldiers Petrov and Boshirov at the Arsenal in Vrbetice, Czechia. Any serious war must be fought on the enemys territory. Having such a National School it is certainly a good thing especially if it is not linked and funded by Western entities. I say to that this: if he really was, he would be rotting six feed under by now, or somewhere in a ditch barely covered with leafs, having his eyes plucked out by the crows. No longer able to put up much of a fight, such depleted ethnoi tend to be easily overrun by barbarians, at which point they beg for mercy. It really all began with the Rights insane reaction to the mild social democratic reformism of Whitlam. The US is not, as Mr Orliv would have us believe in his cute, facile ultra-nationalist view, a mere dumping ground for immigrants from shithole countries that has been laid to waste and ready to sink. Very much appreciated to have Dmitry Orlovs SitRep. The author shouldnt say russian jews he should say russian israelis or israelis of russian origin. The State Investigation Bureau opened a criminal case on the intentional surrender of Crimea, violent upheaval, treason and the organization of mass murders on the maidan in 2014 by Ukraines top officials, in particular by Arseny Yatsenyuk, Alexander Turchinov, Andrei Paruby, [former head of Ukraines Security Service] Valentin Nalivaichenko, [Verkhovna Rada member] Sergei Pashinsky, [Permanent Representative to the UN] Yuri Sergeyev, [Kiev Mayor] Vitaly Klichko, [head of the Freedom nationalist party] Oleg Tyagnibok, [former Acting Defense Minister] Igor Tenyukh, [Prosecutor General] Yuri Lutsenko, [Defense Minister] Stepan Poltorak and others, Aver Lex said. The connection The interview was cut short because the VOIP connection failed. More details here: Moreover, the USA believes it has nuclear primacy over Russia and that it could launch a pre-emptive attack that would wipe out most of Russias nuclear ICBMs with the remainder handled by the US missile defense system. Browse for Dmitry Shevelenko interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. And then fecken Howard came along. Thus, with regard to social collapse, there really isnt much to discuss, because the term Ukrainian society has very little basis in reality. It saddens me to think that so much has been lost or neglected over the years. These people are not even there. But the people of Donetsk and Lugansk are not like that at all. The artificial, synthetic Ukrainian identity is too thin to give the country a sense of self or a sense of direction. It seems like Dmitry Orlov and Garnet Hathaway's years of working together are paying off as they team up for the Boston Bruins. At base, the Anglo Americans possess an inbred sense of economic entitlement. Then theres the other assumption that the US is run by illogical idiots (I prefer delusional and educationally challenged). Just one question: I'm an award-winning cartoonist and broadcaster. The level of delusion and manipulation among the general public is truely astonishing. Moves are afoot to craft laws against ecocide, and they surely must include the propagandists for the destruction of Life, like the Murdoch metastases and the whole machine of Rightwing ecological collapse denialism. . Make snippets of Dmytro talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Will there be severe social disturbances ? The other pole symmetrically named the U.S. has not fallen apart yet, but there are ominous rumblings on the horizon. But with the U.S. arsenal growing rapidly while Russias decays and Chinas stays small, the era of MAD is ending and the era of U.S. nuclear primacy has begun.. Finally, Khrushchev tossed in Russian Crimea in a move that was unconstitutional at the time, since no public referendum had been held in Crimea to decide this question as was required by the Soviet constitution. Just doing basic fact check wanted author to add where K was born, and to my surprise I found that he was not born in the Ukraine. As soon as it gained independence, it just fell over. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. obscene are really one and the same; swearing is a form of prayer and If so, we should expect a strong emphasis on continuity, with Putin maintaining some measure of control over national politics as a senior statesman. Neither campaign comes anywhere near the US mainland. We differ in the assumptions. - Explanation by Fr. Saving Sevastopol and Krimu was far more important than saving Donbas. and evocative yet polite when referring to financial, commercial, Ive seen peoples car brake down and everyone around runs to help (something I have never seen in any other anglo country). Where is Russia`s space plane? between the sacred (that which is holy) and the sacral (that which is Get the latest news and updates on Dmitry Orlov from The Athletic. The writeup of the full interview can be found here. They can certainly be supplemented. Whats the point of guesswork? Global Research News Hour Episode 156 By Michael Welch and Dmitry Orlov, October 23, 2016 . Salvation of Christians Outside the Orthodox Church? Little bit of truth, a few resonable opinions and a whole lot of rubbish. (pizd), which is a vulgar term for female genitalia. Dmitry is an astute commentator, well worth listening to his take on Russia's military operation in the Ukraine. Yes, you might be right that Russia would not, at least in the near future, rebuild the lands east of the river Dnieper. (?) On the other hand, they find it embarrassing to pressure him in public because by doing so they will admit that what they call their mediation has failed. It is an understandable reason. But his supposed Ukrainian ethnicity *is* trotted out to explain things, and this was my point. Perhaps the invading barbarians will see this and die laughing; but what if they dont? I would really love to know the answer to this, in as much detail as possible. Interestingly enough Russia offered to rejoin PACE and hand overall the due past payments if it reasserts its principles on an equitable basis for all members.this puts EU in a spit.continue with the pretence of russophobia in the consolidating presence of say Italy and Austria getting rather cheesed off with that..or the big prize and split perhaps finally from USA dependant on Merkel and co and Mogherini going(considering failing influence over the Venezuela affair)- must be the recognition of Crimea. Due to the pitiless impact of the Law of Exponents the end may be ten years or less away. It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. Those who survive the coming 5 to 15 years will have to be much wiser, or they will be dead. Should be forwarded to Hitlery as well,maybe she will finally get the message that she has no chance against Russia? Trump, can flounce around Washington and the rest of the country and do and say outrageous things and it has no effect on life whatsoever. So true, Nightingale, and Academia in the US, in its peer-reviewed glory, has given most Americans precisely zero information about Russia. through which all human (and even some divine) life enters this Dmitrys book Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects, published in 2008, further details his views about Western collapse. It happens on US soil, and it avoids nuclear weapons from either side. His major thrust in domestic politics seems to be in maintaining very strict discipline within the government in pushing through his list of priorities. If the US is defeated in the SCS, then there will be no need to attack the US, the infrastructures will simply die from inability to maintain them. Thanks from me, too, an enjoyable read on a very tricky theme. This was, as was to be expected, to no avail. For all his numerous failings, Boris Yeltsin did one thing right: he dismantled the USSR (although the way he went about it was beyond incompetent and verged on treason). ber alles in der Welt. The choice of ladies is absolutely stunning. But his example of rulership still seems to be revered out there. But it was not because he himself was Ukrainianbecause he wasnt. The plural of ethnos is (ethne), not ethnoi, as the Greek word is (gender-)neutral rather than masculine. Im afraid this is the kind of critic that can be applied to just about any piece of writing out there. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii dmitry orlov interview. Maybe the other Soviet republics suckled Russiya but Russiya suckled the all countries under their occupation. President, Im not saying we wouldnt get our hair mussed, but I do say no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops! Knowing that at the time they had no desire to invade but we didnt want any piece of them on there own territory. You go under, and youre gone forever, and very quickly forgotten. And whod be willing to endure shelling for a monstrosity like contemporary America? Nothing really new here but the interview does a masterful job of asking the right questions; and the frightening substances and singing battle hymns. Things will go downhill from there as everyone in government in media does their best to pretend that the problem doesnt exist. bone)for the Ancient Greeks believed the sacrum to be the seat of No spam, please. The people are as good as anywhere, but only as trained as their culture tells them to be. Do not underestimate the insanity of the American Empire or its high commandnor dismiss the destructive capacity of the US war machine. Instead, as RG states, the vast majority of adult Americans are sickeningly ignorant of vast corporate greed, how the US militarys budget takes nearly 50% of the Discretionary money; nor do they realize the judicial corruption, and the extent of corporate/banking powers who OWN all state, regional, federal politicians. Many scientists with numerous links to the secret servicers (such as dr Barrie Trower, the leading microwave weapons expert) Catherine also oversaw the partitioning of the Polish-Lithuanian empire, gaining for Russia the lions share. Dmitry Orlov, engineer and author, warns that the US's reliance on diminishing fuel supplies might be sending it down the same path the Soviet Union took before it collapsed. If Catherine was a whore because she liked men and like to dancewell, we should then all be such Russian whores. More from Dmitry Orlov on The American Collapse "In the ongoing US presidential election, an almost-dead candidate and his charming assistant have been voted for by an army of the undead: voters that have mailed in their ballots in spite of being deceased. I do not doubt this or that the West will recognise this election. The use of tactical nuclear weapons, bio-warfare, and other exotic weapons should not be ruled out. too abstract and too technical to do justice to the visceral "The city planet depicted in Star Wars called Coruscant (/krsnt/). He would work in a bar in Cairns for 6 weeks and then go Indonesia to his Indonesian wife for 6 weeks. But it never had much practical merit, and the working language of the Ukrainians was always Russian. Orlov has posted a goal . We call on Ukraine to act in good faith to solve the problem that arose because of it, to show true concern for its citizens and to get involved in consultations instead of litigation, the statement said. , . Prior to this Bolshevik effort, Ukraina was not used as a proper political or geographic designation. He was born in the part of Russia that borders with Ukraine where cultures mingled a lot and he spent much of his early career in Ukraine. idea well, what of them? banter about collapse; instead, you can now harness the full depth of They were purged and suffered political repression in what became known as the Leningrad affair.. Make snippets of Doan talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Listen to audio about Doak Walker. People who are citizens of Russia are just that russians. In some ways the fall of Washington would be the best thing to ever happen in my country. All of this makes rockets worth watching, as I have been doing, and I couldn't help but notice some rather peculiar developments that portend major changes in how superpowers must interact. Ive already read several articles of Dimitri Orlov so he is known to me, but in this interview hes really on fire. The question of his ethnicity is irrelevant. (Many of these tribes were previously Mongol subjects who understood the meaning of the term.). On the other hand, the governments of Hungary and Italy have made some headway in the direction of reasserting their sovereignty, with public support. cross is for your own good self: on it you will be crucified during The pension reform did hurt him somewhat, but he recovered by pushing through a raft of measures designed to ease the transition. The MIC is acting more irrationally and even the Israelis have something called the Sampson option. That is where they nuke everyone even if it provokes their own destruction. A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. This is why, after the government overthrow of 2014, when it became clear that the intentions of the Ukrainian nationalists who seized power in Kiev were to oppress the Russian part of the population, these two regions decided to strike out on their own. Suddenlyor not so suddenly if you've been paying attentionwe seem to be living in a slightly different world. Dmitry Orlov Born: July 23, 1991 Birthplace: Novokuznetsk, RUS Shoots: Left Draft: 2009 WSH, 2nd rd, 25th pk (55th overall) View Player Bio + Follow NHLBruins Watch Dmitry Orlov Highlights. It had abundant natural resources (fertile land, coal) and an educated labor force. RG: The only thing that Ill add, and it really isnt much, is that Americans (for the most part) do not have the skills nor the will to be able to survive a post-consumer world.. world, and this makes references to them particularly potent in this The whole idea is to kill the bastards. Russian Flashmob Sings Famous WW2 Song (Smuglyanka). 00:00. Inside of NATO is the EUa political talking shop plus a sprawling bureaucracy that spews forth reams upon reams of rules and regulations. the above also means that wordpress generated its own certs leaving customers alone to do as they please. In terms of foreign relations and strategic considerations, the Ukraine is run from the US embassy in Kiev. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. @Michael 0 It was under Catherine that the Crimea was incorporated into the Russian Empire. Eventually, I decided that the ambiance was depressing me. But mostly their Anti-Terrorist Operation, which is what they are calling this civil war, has turned into a propaganda initiative, with the mythical Russian invaders invoked at every turn to explain their otherwise inexplicable string of defeats. But they are fed up with 1000 years of western imperialism, wars, subversion, intervention, etc. There is little doubt that young people, who have already been bled dry by poor job prospects and ridiculous student loans, have nothing to look forward to either. His excellency said: Excellent news, if true. Most recently the intent to join the EU and NATO was written directly into the Ukrainian constitution. Which, like every other part of the Wests social fabric, works as long as there is a steady influx of global booty. It is depressing. What will spark the next round of Western European ethnogenesis is impossible to predict, but we can be sure that at some point a mutant strain of zealots will arrive on the scene, with a dampened instinct for self-preservation but an unslakable thirst for mayhem, glory and death, and then it will be off to the races again. On paper, the Ukraine imports gas from the EU; physically, the methane molecules piped in from Russia never leave Ukrainian territory; they are simply diverted for local use.