Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Why is it that physical distinction between genders is more evident in humans than it is in other animals, say, a cat? Why do different genders of the same animal evolve differently? a) Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. Biologists believe that ducks evolved from land birds that did not have webbed feet. Second, the two species would need to have a significant difference in their reproductive capabilities. . Conditions have changed in significant ways everywhere on earth, with some of these changes happening suddenly and others more gradually. By what mechanisms have we evolved into distinct species? And it is thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. There is no definitive answer to this question, but there are some interesting theories that can be considered. does not many any warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of this information. D) not all mutations affect an entire species. Explain why only populations evolve but individuals do not. These ducks spent time on both land and water. What really fascinates him is how male capuchinos can look and sound very different across species, despite being almost identical genetically. Similarities at the beginning of embryonic development imply they have common ancestors. Which form of gene technology is this an example of? So, how can the males all be so different? What are the general characteristics of animals? Why is it that humans have three different blood groups: A, B, and O? Donec aliquet. Owned by the same company as Crackle, it's full of low-budget style films. Pellentesque dapibus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. I will post some . b) Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. The most well-known example is a group of more than a dozen finch species in the Galapagos. Q6.5. Donec aliquet. Be s. Explain why differences in skin pigmentation in human populations can be explained by the theory of evolution and natural selection. There are surprisingly large genetic differences between individuals from the same population; indeed, recent mitochondrial DNA evidence shows greater variation within regional populations than that shown between historical human races. Evolution refers to a process in which the genetic composition of a species changes over time, from one generation to the next. The male finches are the same shape and size but wear different combinations of about five colors. Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many What causes variation in a species? Do any of our fossil relatives or other species share some aspects of this unique set of characteristics? Which of the following is REQUIRED for the pricess of evolution by natural selection to occur? What are the four major ways that humans are affecting other species through our actions? They were made famous by Charles Darwin, who developed his theory of evolution in part by studying the birds. Why or why not? Explain why monotremes are unique mammals. The left arm of a human, the front flipper of a seal, the wing of a bird, and the wing of a bat have the same structure and order of bones. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. No, species do not change even after many generations, so individuals of the same species would not look different. Which of the following histograms show the correct representation of the snail shell thickness data 4, 7, 2, 5, 4, 3? Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? Natural selection makes an adaptive trait more common in a population. d. greater the chance one will go extinct. Now, another group of South American finches known as capuchino seedeaters is helping scientists learn about how, and how fast, evolution works. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. individuals of the same species did many generations ago? Why are there so many different ways to define a species? For example, if a species of fish was only exposed to freshwater, they might look different than if they were exposed to saltwater. Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring. The longer that two populations are kept from interbreeding, the: a. more recessive alleles will be expressed. A mutation is harmful to an organism if it. Learn about capuchino evolution in this short video and article from the New York Times. In evolution, why is it important that individuals vary from each other? B. Why or why not? Why or why not? Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Were the solution steps not detailed enough? O Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. Which adaptation described below probably does not protect the plant from being eaten by herbivores? As many years went by, the environment changed such that the aquatic food sources were much more plentiful than those on land. Which of the following statements support the Theory of Evolution? People who are heterozygous for the sickle-cell allele: Are not susceptible to either sickle-cell anemia or malaria. Explain. Mutation does not always affect the evolution of a species because A) not all mutations are inherited. B. How does the human epidermal layer differ from that of other animals such as dogs and cats? Genetic variations can arise from gene variants (also called mutations) or from a normal process in which genetic material is rearranged as a cell is getting ready to divide (known as genetic recombination). Explain how the mechanisms of evolution, such as natural selection, would be at play in the changing of human genes. a. In what ways is culture similar between human and nonhuman primates? Q6. When I was studying nutrition and soil management over 20 years ago, produce could already be classified as "franken-food". These rocks were once below the ocean surface. Finches with small beaks ate all of the small seeds, leaving only bigger seeds. For example, these happy face spiders look different, but since they can interbreed, they are considered the same species: Theridion grallator. To account for these and other issues, biologists and palaeontologists use a whole raft of different 'species concepts' that can help separate species from one another and also identify new species. To do this they have inserted a new segment of DNA where the mutated DNA was. There are at least 4 different ways that humans have genetic variation, a. All of the following are protective adaptations except one. Right now, theyre considered separate species because the color and song of males keep them from widely interbreeding. If humans evolved from a common ancestor we share with monkeys, why do we have such broad variations in physical features across our species (i.e. Many years ago, more than 13 different species of birds migrated to the islands. Is it possible that two different species, either by chance or natural selection, evolve to be the same species? The descendants would become a completely different species that would have no similarities to the original individuals. She couldn't decide if she wanted a Poodle or a Siberian Husky. D) amino acids Thoroughly describe an example of each mechanism. Most people today would classify such forms as different species, and none of these sibling species mate with one another in normal circumstances. Q6.6. Which of the following conditions would biologists say was required for the evolution of DDT resistance in a population?A few mosquitoes in the population were resistant to DDT before it was ever used.Mosquitoes in the population learned to adapt to the high levels of DDT in the environment.The mosquito population needed to evolve DDT resistance in order to avoid extinction.Exposure to DDT caused specific, nonrandom mutations for DDT resistance within the population.Use the following passage to answer the next two questions.Ducks are aquatic birds. Humans rely on other organisms for survival; however, all other organisms would be better off without humans. Humans share common biological constraints b. All humans carry the same genes. The correct answer is (c) Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring. Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring No, species do not change even after many generations, so Explain. Science Advances. Why or why not?Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring.Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring.Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring.No, species do not change even after many In allopatric speciation, groups from an ancestral population evolve into separate species due to a period of geographical separation. Explain how differences in skin color of humans have been selected for in different environments. What qualities or characteristics do you p. Will humans ever evolve into a post-biological species? Why or why not? Are humans subject to the same pressures of natural selection as other organisms? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mediterranean climates like California, with hot and dry summers and cold wet winters . Why do humans share lots of DNA with both rats and bananas when each of these are very different things? What are the characteristics that all mammals have in common? Are humans exempt from natural selection because of the technological nature of our society? The three conditions that must be met for evolution to occur by natural selection are that there must be variation, there must be selection, and there must be inheritance of variation. Why do plants and animals differ with regards to their development and how, Theories about why human universals exist suggest all of the following except: a. What will most likely happen to the population in terms of natural selection? b. ways in which gr12 learners could view changes after school in a positive manner, 3 ways relationships can be positive in someones well being. Was the final answer of the question wrong? The 14 species of finches on the Galapagos Islands evolved from a single species that migrated to the islands seve Q: Q6.5. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. While it took more than 2 million years for Darwins finches to evolve into their present forms, nine capuchino species (in the genus Sporophila) have appeared in the last 500,000 to 1 million years. The most complete fossil individual of this species is known as the 'Turkana Boy' - a well-preserved skeleton (though minus almost all the hand and foot bones), dated around 1.6 million years old. Theyre very easy to distinguish. (Listen to recordings from our Macaulay Library archive: Dark-throated Seedeater, Marsh Seedeater, and Tawny-bellied Seedeater.). Play is dismissed as a human projection or as functional practice for adulthood that only 'higher" mammals are capable of. Give an example of how these mechanisms have impacted evolution in a species. Could two genetically perfect humans have all the genetic diversity needed for a species? c)Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Why does diversity between individuals and between species create problems for determining what is a species and what is a variant? A food source must disappear. b) Yes, some individuals can chang; Why didn't humans evolve to hibernate like many other mammals? If the current in the outer solenoid is changing at a rate I2/t\Delta I _ { 2 } / \Delta tI2/t, what is the magnitude of the induced emf in the inner solenoid? Did doc holliday actually shoot johnny ringo? One or more species must have recently been introduced to the region. Q6.1. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Why? Here's how it works. The descendants would look the same as the original individuals because species do not change. We are, in fact, remarkably similar. Donec aliquet. Which of the following conditions would biologists say was required for the evolution of DDT resistance in a population? Some populations are innately superior to others, because they have what it takes to prevail in those environments. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The pigweed has evolved to withstand the Roundup. This textbook can be purchased at B) Low levels of genetic variation may make hybrid species more likely, so neither species will go extinct. Submit This indicates that: A. And their choices may not be entirely governed by genetics. All living species de. Olfspring must be similar to their parents due to shared genes. The existence of play in non-human animals is a direct challenge to old-fashioned scientific ideas. If variations or mutations are extreme enough, new species can result. How can this population be expected to change over several successive generations, if the relative fitness differences observed remain unchanged? The more they used their feet, the more webbed their feet became, so they got enough food to survive and reproduce.Due to chance mutations, all the ducks feet in the next generation had more webbing. \\ e. They are the same species and a. Its individuals appear different from other species. 6. The technology behind the atomic bomb only exists because of a cooperative hive mind: hundreds of scientists and engineers. Why or why not? Genetic variation within a species can result from a few different sources. Give a reason why animals must be classified. O Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their p2: homozygous dominant (sad) 2pq: heterozygotes (sad) Q2 heterozygous recessive (happy) This is an scenario of what could occur. The concept was initially developed by Robert Trivers to explain the evolution of cooperation as instances of mutually . These include the amount of genetic variation within a population, the number of evolutionary opportunities that a population has, and the number of genetic mutations that occur within a population. By the year 2000, the graph shows the population of light colored moths significantly increasing. Which of the following conditions would biologists say was required for the evolution of DDT resistance in a population? Why are animals shaped differently in cooler climates than in warmer ones? How is knowing how an animal develops important to determining its common ancestor? why or why not? Every plant or animal belongs to a species. 1. Why does natural selection only act on heritable variation? A. Fossils of organisms that lived many years ago, and DNA from the remains of organisms that lived many years ago. There are some phenotypic differences among human populations that reflect adaptation to different environments. The graphs below represent her findings.What can you conclude from the researchers results?The hypothesis that longer horns offer greater protection against predation is supported.The hypothesis that longer horns offer greater protection against predation is NOT supported.The experiment is well designed, but the results are inconclusive about the hypothesis.The experiment is not well designed to test the hypothesis. Explain. See Answer Why or why not?Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring.Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring.Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring.No, species do not change even after many For example, a shark uses its electrosensory and olfactory organs predominately to interact with its environment, whereas primates are heavily dependent upon vision. Their feet are webbed and this trait makes them fast swimmers. Why do humans, animals, and plants have to evolve reproductive function? When we adapt, or evolve over time, does it happen through genetic mutation or something different? A characteristic of an organism that can change in res. The latest findings, published in the journal Science Advances, suggest the differences may depend on just a few genes with an outsized role in the evolution of the birds' appearance. Individual differences with a genetic basis lead to in successive generations. Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring. Explain why differences in skin pigmentation in human populations can be explained by the theory of evolution and natural selection. 9 months ago, Posted For example, if a species of fish was only exposed to freshwater, they might look different than if they were exposed to saltwater. To test this hypothesis, the researcher tagged 20 lizards with long horns and 20 lizards with short horns in each of two locations: Desert Valley, where there are no predatory birds, and Cactus Corner, where there are predatory birds. A scientist is researching how to cure a type of blindness that is caused by a mutation in a gene. Campagna says, What were learning from these studies is that you dont need to be different across the entire genome to look different and behave differently. Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species looked many generations ago? D. modifications in an individual are caused. There are a number of factors that could affect whether a species evolves. Why didn't humans evolve to hibernate like many other mammals? Their songs are different, too. What are the noteworthy differences between the two? To put this another way: all humans have the same genes, yet we do not look alike. If a species is evolving, when is it considered a new species different from the organism it evolved from? Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? Pluto TV is an ad-supported streaming service run by Paramount. In evolutionary terms, thats life in the fast lane. a. For example, when humans first migrated to North America, they were faced with a new environment with different plants and animals. Q8. a) Variation b) Normalization c) Extinction. Could a roman legion defeat a medieval army? The bacteria have become resistant over several generations. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Why are there such large differences in the diversity within a clade? d. continental drift. races)? What are the 2 main reasons for variation between organisms of the same species? Get plagiarism-free solution within 48 hours. Take note of any potential side effects associated with these supplements too - some ingredients could cause allergic reactions or digestive problems if taken in excess amounts, so . Q6.5. \\ do not interbreed extensively. It's very important, and theoretically you could have a race where everyone has the same genotype for physical appearance. Why is a convoluted brain better than a smooth one? Describe what has most likely happened over time to lead to this. It takes a long time for an individual to adapt to its environment. No. Current forms could continue to diverge into ever more distinct species or they could collapse back into one or a few species through hybridization or extinction. Are there such height differences in the animal kingdom? B. organisms change by acquired characteristics. But actually 6 million people have died of COVID. B) glucose copyright 2003-2023 Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. How do animals that live in different environments meet their need for efficient gas exchange? Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Variation allows some individuals to do better than others, so those variations are selected. Exposure to DDT caused specific, nonrandom mutations for DDT resistance within the population. Explain. What does the pattern of genetic variation in modern human tell us about the origin and spread of homosapiens? Fusce dui lect, , dictum vitae odio. What are selection and genetic drift, and how are they different from each other? Not so, writes Gordon Burghardt, the contemporary study of play finds it in animals from birds to spiders, and help makes sense of why for us humans play can be . Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. They would do this by breeding a Poodle with a Husky. a) There is no difference; both have caused evolution throughout the history of life on earth b) Artificial selection applies to changes in domestic animals only, while natural sele. Amid extreme weather events, many grape growers ask themselves what they can do to adapt their vineyard for climate change. How can everyone alive today be the same species if not all populations today have Neanderthal DNA while some people have up to about 4% Neanderthal DNA?